I've been back home in Toledo, Ohio for the past six weeks because of family issues and thought I'd make a crack at getting some photo work while here. The photography industry is much different in Toledo than in New York. It's smaller, but-probably because of this-it's much more accessible. Whereas in New York I can contact a hundred editors and not get a response from one, here in Toledo I've heard back from everyone that I've reached out to for work. That's very refreshing.
Since I got back into town, I've been freelancing for a weekly arts and entertainment mag called City Paper. (http://www.toledocitypaper.com) I've been doing their event photography, which is great, for going to all these events throws me back in the loop after being gone for so long.
Last night there was a great event called "Meet and Greet." Around ten galleries in town opened their doors in the evening. Art, music, soicalizing, and wine was there for the masses and there even was a trolley to take people around to different venues the city. It was a great time, and has made me appreciate being in Toledo for the summer.
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